“The simulation was completed by a supercomputer using various pieces of data relating to Earth’s ongoing climate and ocean chemistry, as well as the state of the tectonic plates and biology. That simulation found that within 250 million years, the Earth’s atmosphere will be so full of CO2. That, coupled with the heat of the Sun, will make the Earth no longer able to sustain many forms of life, including humanity. This means that humanity’s end will likely come because of a climate where it is almost impossible to grow food. Where the planet becomes devoid of water and food sources for mammals, pushing us all to extinction. It’s a terrifying thought and one that scientists will no doubt continue to try to find ways to fight. It also isn’t an insane idea. The simulation suggests that we’d see widespread temperatures between 40 to 50 degrees Celsius, roughly 104 – 122 degrees Fahrenheit. Those temperatures would only be compounded by high levels of humidity, making Earth even more uninhabitable.”
I shared that article not to start a debate. There are good Christ followers on both sides of the climate change argument. We need to find ways to get along with one another in Christian love. But instead, my purpose was to use the article to point to another perspective on the end of the world. 250 million years is a long, long time. From a spiritual perspective, the direction our world’s spiritual climate change in regards to sin and rebellion against God, we are headed in a dangerous direction and I can only imagine we will reach God’s breaking point long, long before there is a great deal of concern about physical human life on earth. Whatever your stand is on climate change, let us all spend more time working on saving souls than saving the planet. I didn’t say no time on saving the planet. We are commanded to be wise stewards of everything God has given us. But our priority needs to be on saving souls, because Jesus’ return will be like a thief in the night. “26 Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. 27 They were eating and drinking and marrying and being given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.” (Luke 17.26-27)
In Christ Alone
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