In thinking about miracles, I found an article that listed the “20 Most Popular Songs about Miracles.”  The composers and/or performers of these songs were people/bands like Bon Jovi, Barry Manilow, Mike and the Mechanics, Kelly Clarkson, Jefferson Starship, Third Day, Chris Tomlin, Planetshakers, Maverick City Music. Some of these are secular songs and some have Christian lyrics. The secular songs call on people to have faith and hope in either people or circumstances or “something.” The Christian songs, of course, say that the source of our hope and faith is grounded in the miracle power and will of God.

It is this latter, the miracle power of God, that many cannot wrap their minds around. This even includes some Christians. The inability to believe in miracles makes it hard for many to believe in the stories and truths of the Bible. Therefore, they can’t believe in six days of creation, the parting of the Red Sea and later the Jordan River, Jonah living in a fish for 3 days, Jesus walking on the water, and many others.  A miracle by definition is an extraordinary event that goes beyond the natural properties of the created world. And so, for many the place to start in coming to a place of faith and salvation is to believe in the all-powerful attribute of God. If a person does not believe God is all powerful and can do anything he wills to do, then they can’t believe in six days of creation, the parting of the Red Sea and later the Jordan River, Jonah living in a fish for 3 days, Jesus walking on the water and many others.  And they also can’t believe in the resurrection of Jesus and that we can be saved and completely transformed through his death and resurrection. These are also miracles based upon God’s love, grace and mercy. As you consider this greatest miracle, I encourage you to listen to this song, “Miracles” by Shawna Edwards. The Miracle by Shawna Edwards (with Lyrics) (   

Let us praise God for all the miracles that God does in our lives, but let us lift high the greatest miracle when he rescued us from sin and gave us eternal life…

                                                  In Christ Alone


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