Many of you guessed where we vacationed several weeks ago. Yes, it was Pine Grove Furnace. We were not able to go too far from home due to the fact that a couple of our grandchildren had dentist appointments we had to make sure they were able to get back for. We hiked the Appalachian trail heading toward Maine and the Georgia. Okay so we only went several miles in both directions. We also did a creek walk probably on the creek in the picture, but maybe not that section.
What was great about that vacation was that it gave me a break from some things that had begun to overwhelm me. Leading up to this vacation I had been listening a great deal to talk radio, both on WHP and NPR, and had been overwhelmed by all of the political and legal shenanigans going on. Each medium had their own take on these things, promoting their own views, which of course were in opposition to each other.
But on vacation with no TV, radio, or even little WIFI service, I was removed from all that. We were removed from many other distractions as well. When I came home I vowed not to let what transpired before vacation happen again. And so far, so good. I watch or read limited news. I listen to more Christian music in the car surfing four different stations, instead of talk radio. It is refreshing.
Maybe this is a part of the reason God gave us the Sabbath Day. It is a weekly day to get away from the normal events of the week, take a break from work and other things, and focus and thank God for His creation and His mighty works. Many of you are retired, but you are busier than when you were working. We all need to take a break every week.
In light of this, we look forward to the ultimate Sabbath Rest when all of the craziness of this life will be gone and we will be on vacation, on a Sabbath Rest with God forever. Not that we will not work in our service of God, but it will be enjoyable, easy work. Hebrews 4.9-10, “There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his.”
Oh, Linda and I are taking a vacation weekend, July 20 – 22. Thank you.
In Christ Alone
One response
Sounds like you had a great vacation……enjoy the upcoming one too, even though a short one!!