When we think about Israel today and the middle east we usually don’t think of snow.  But it does snow there too. The picture is of the snow covered Garden of Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.  There are only about 23 references to snow in the Bible. Several are references to actual snow. The other references compare something to be as white as snow.

As we have seen this past week, a fresh blanket of snow is a brilliant white. Therefore, in this state, the Biblical writers used it as a sign of purity, holiness and that which is clean. One of those passages where we see this is in Isaiah 1.18.         

   “Come now, and let us reason together,”

     Says the Lord,

   “Though your sins are like scarlet,

     They shall be as white as snow;”

In the context of this verse, the prophet Isaiah had just called the people out for their egregious sins. They had become corrupt and rebellious, performing evil deeds and being violent and hostile toward one another.  They did all this while going through the meaningless motions of the religious rituals of sacrifices and holiday feasts. The two colors in this verse, scarlet, and crimson, speak of the guilt of those whose hands were “full of blood” (v. 15). Fullness of blood speaks of extreme iniquity and perversity.  But the Lord proclaims that if they will repent and turn around from their sin and change their ways turning back to God he will forgive them. In that forgiveness they will then have their sins washed away and their soul/spirit will be washed clean and will be pure and as white as snow.

This is what happens to us every time we sin and then repent of our sin. When we sin our soul/spirit becomes stained scarlet and crimson. But when we confess our sins, God forgives them and we become whiter than freshly fallen snow.

I know that some of you dread the snow, while others love to see the snow. Whichever side you fall on may it at least be a continual reminder to you about the love and grace of God that in our sin, God is willing to forgive us and change the nature of our heart, purifying us and making us whiter than snow.                                                                         In Christ Alone


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