One of the objections to believing in God through Jesus Christ is expressed in the statement, “I can’t believe in a God who would send people the hell. I thought God is a god of love.”  Sometimes we don’t know how to respond.  More often our response is not accepted because it is not really wanted.  They are happy not to believe. But for those who might want an answer, for those who really are seeking, here might be some helpful thoughts.

First, we agree that God is love. It is not just that he loves, but love is one of his attributes. God Is Love.  He loves all of his creation because we are all made in his image.

Secondly, we disagree that God sends anyone to hell in the way that they are suggesting. Going to hell is based upon the choice or lack of the choice by the individual. The quote in the picture correctly states that everyone who is born is on their way to hell. That is the destiny of everyone. The penalty or wage for everyone is the second death or hell based upon the fact that we have a sinful nature and are slaves to sin. (Romans 6.23)  We need someone to save us from going to hell.

The Good News (Gospel) truly is not, believe in God or he will send you to hell.  Rather, the choice to turn to God through faith in Jesus the Christ as Savior and Lord changes that destiny. When a person chooses to believe in God’s work on the cross through Jesus death and resurrection, it is God’s mercy and his grace that saves us from going to hell. He snatches us from that destiny. For those who continue to live in their sin and choose not to believe, God continues to allow them to go in the direction to their ultimate destination, hell. At the white throne judgment, God will confirm their reservation and then “sends” them to it.

And so, we need to help those around us who are still on the road to hell to realize that there is an exit off of that road they are on. And there is only one exit and it is belief in Jesus.  God is not unloving or cruel. Rather he is gracious and merciful. But they need to believe and follow.  Their salvation is…

                                                              In Christ Alone


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