Why We Serve
The Bible teaches that we were made to worship. That is why each week we spend time gathered together in corporate worship - and it's also why we respond by giving of our time, talents, and treasures.
Serving the church and serving others in need, just as our Lord Jesus served,
is an act of worship that truly brings us closer in union with Christ.
"For even the son of man came not to be served but to serve..."
Being a Servant Gives You a Life of Purpose
Jesus' prescription for our sense of loss and our anxiety about our place in life and the future is probably not
what most of us would naturally think to do: be a servant. But that is exactly what Jesus expects of us.
And there are a few unbeatable benefits that come with this attitude.
Being a Servant Sets You Above the Competitive Environment (sets you apart from those of the world)
No matter what you do, there will always be someone who is better than you. But because serving others has more to do with an attitude toward what you give others, rather than what you will get yourself, competition and stress is pretty low. Start cleaning up the mess yourself. The person behind the wheel of the car that cut you off. Let her 'win' the argument. Practice being happy for the guy who got a promotion. Rejoice in giving rather than receiving... this is what will set you apart.
Being a Servant Helps You See the Wealth You Already Have
Our brain's natural tendency is to focus on what we think we lack. You likely never never thought so much about food as when you went on a restrictive diet. It's a thing called the "scarcity mindset." But, there is a practice of focus that can counteract this way of thinking. . . focus on what you have by serving. Serving others means giving from your heart and from your resources - whether it's time, money, expertise, empathy. Helping others shows you how blessed you really are.
Being a Servant Gives You a Life Meaning
We all want to know that our lives have meaning. And when we think about making an impact on the world, some of us think that's about holding an important position. Jesus, however, taught that just giving a child a cup of clean water merited a reward in His kingdom. God's economy is different. It's not about having a "great position' that makes you great. It's about being a servant. No matter where you are or what you do, there will always be an opportunity to serve the needs of someone else.
Being a Servant Brings You into Union with Jesus Christ
We are not meant to go through life alone. We were designed to be with others and to be with Christ Jesus. And, because we live in a fallen world, everyone needs a little help sometimes. So, if in your life, you have received blessings, it's important to share them with others, especially with those in your community - your neighbors. For some people, that could mean volunteering with a local charity or
donating to a good cause. For others, sharing blessings might be as simple as having a conversation with someone or lending emotional support to a friend who is
going through a tough time.
Helping others is the secret to happiness.
It is what Christ instructs us to do. In Acts 20:35 – The Lord Jesus himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” And in verse John 15:12, Jesus Christ says to us: “My command is this: Love others as I have loved you.” There are many Bible verses about helping others, and they remind us that one crucial way to demonstrate our love for God is to take action here on Earth and be in the habit of serving others.
Bringing the Lord's love into your community is a powerful act. It may not always be easy but as a person of faith,
God calls upon you to serve others and bring His light to them.
Every one of us is called to
serve God by serving others
Every one of us is called to serve God by serving others. This requires not only outward action but also inward action through a changed heart. And, also having an attitude of gratitude that drives us to love God with all of our heart, mind, and our strength. "Service with all of our heart and mind" is a high calling, and it's also a challenge for all of us. Such service must be free of selfish ambition. It must be motivated only by the pure love of Christ.
Are you ready to serve God, by serving others?
Ask someone on Sunday how you can get involved or contact the church office!