Perhaps you saw this picture on Facebook. It took me by surprise. I thought it might have been a hoax. How would an owner of a McDonald’s get away with that? And so I searched and found out that it is true. Here are a portion of what I found.  “Multiple McDonald’s in the Middle TN region share this message. While many companies are opting to stay away from holiday-specific decorations, a Tennessee McDonald’s franchisee is embracing them.  These restaurants are owned by Tony and Gina Wolfe. According to the official website, Tony and Gina Wolfe, second-generation McDonald’s franchise owners and operators, have previously been recognized for their local philanthropy.  The Wolfe’s franchise has been honored with multiple awards from McDonald’s Corporation, including the prestigious Ronald Award. At Christmas, their restaurants have a message that often reads, ‘His name is Jesus.’” Here are some comments by patrons.

“I’ve been to this McDonald’s and they’re really kind in there too…,”

“That’s what I love about the South …whenever we traveled down the people were so friendly and there were so many people that love the Lord and weren’t afraid to say so. As soon as we came North over the Mason Dixon line it was a whole different story.”

“Thank you for not being afraid to offend someone. This is truly the most beautiful thing I’ve seen in a long time. Wish I lived there. I would definitely be a loyal customer.”

Gina Wolfe said in a statement, “It’s about people who are behind the counter and people who are your loyal customers and friends in this community. It’s a blessing for us to be involved in the community and give back,”

This is a great example for all of us to follow. We too need to be bold for Christ and let people know that we believe in the risen Christ, the Lord of all. But we also need to make sure our actions reflect that same love that Christ has given to us in our treatment of others.

                                                            In Christ Alone

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