We are in the beginning of Spring. It may not feel that way, especially in the early morning hours, but spring is here and this gives most of us great excitement. The first sign at our house was the blooming of daffodils. But now we are seeing other colors. We are seeing yellows and pinks and white and reds. There is even a little more green coming in the grass. From the dead of winter, although it did not really seem like winter because of the lack of snow and even very cold days, now comes the new birth of the beauty of God’s creation. I truly love the change of seasons that many in the south do not really see. The glory of God is evident in that which he has made.
All of this points not just to the Creator, but to the Recreator. To use the allegory from C. S. Lewis’ “The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe,” from the time of Adam, the world was in a deep winter and it was never Christmas and the winter of sin never ended. But then at the right time (Galatians 4.4), Christmas came as Jesus was born. And with the death and resurrection of Jesus spring began. For through Jesus, we who were dead in sin came to life in brilliant colors. We are the new creation. And we are to be the beauty of the image of God and through us his glory to shine forth into a dark and sinful world. This happens through the good works that we do in Christ. It is through the lives we live in him and that are empowered by the Holy Spirit. As people see these good works, the hope is that they will glorify God and not us, so that the winter of their spirit will be awakened to new life and they will spring forth in the beauty of God’s new creation.
This is what Easter is about.
In Christ Alone

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