On my 16th birthday, many years ago, my older sister gave me a present that I would use for many years to come. I still have it and use it from time to time. It is a Scofield Study Bible. It is worn and even has some packing tape on it to keep the cover on it. It needs some more tape. She wrote an inscription on the back of the front cover. In that inscription, she suggested a scripture verse, that if I took it to heart would produce many blessings. The verse was from Paul’s letter to Timothy as he was headed into full-time ministry. 2 Timothy 2.15 “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” Even in my frailty, I have tried to live according to this verse, especially the last part of the verse. I have always tried to correctly handle, interpret, and teach the word of God which is truth.

This is something all of us are called to do and not just Pastors and teachers. Sadly, there are many Pastors and teachers who do not correctly handle the word of truth. One of the reasons is that they don’t study it correctly. The only way to know what it says and to know what it teaches us and how to live as Christ-followers is to read it and study it. 

Many of you do study the word. Some of you do it in a group and some of you do it individually. Some of you study with someone on the radio or TV. Some of you use study tool resources. But too many Christ followers don’t study at all. If this is you, we have some opportunities for you.

  1. Every Wednesday – 6:30 PM. Here at church, for now in Shepherds Hall, we are studying some highlights in the book of Genesis. This may move back to the sanctuary in September.
  2. Every Sunday – 10:20 AM. We have three Sunday School classes teaching from various books of the Bible and topics. Bring your coffee and baked goods with you.
  3. Starting September 12 in the Sanctuary for 8 weeks, at 6:30 PM, Dave Titzell will lead the second half of “The Great Disappearance” by David Jeremiah.
  4. Starting September 12 and taking place on September 12, 26, October 9 and 30 at the home of Jerry Stiffler, he will lead topical studies beginning with “Faith” and ““What can you see and what you can’t see”. There is a sign-up on the bulletin board in the lobby/library.
  5. On the second and fourth Wednesdays – 9:00 AM.  Starting on September 25 Sisters Bible Study will resume in Shepherds Hall.

All of these are open to you and we encourage you to get involved in one or more of them. Let us study together the word of truth.

                                                            In Christ Alone


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