Currently meets 1st Tuesday evening 6:30 pm

Women's Fellowship began in 1941 and for 80+ years has been a vital organization at Bermudian Church.

ALL ladies of the church are invited to be a part of this strong service arm of the congregation.

Through the years the Women's Fellowship has financially supported church projects and beyond into the community and other ministries. We generate funds through a local Christmas Bazaar where our Christmas Cookies have become a sought-after delicacy. We've provided food stands at public auctions and sponsored a “baby shower” to benefit a local pregnancy center. In addition to financial support, we provide on-site ministry (i.e., farmbelt migrant community; New Hope ministries) by supplying meals and Christian fellowship.

Within the church family, our monthly meal coordinator monitors meals needed in homes where families are experiencing hospitalization or other health issues.

All ladies are encouraged to join us for our monthly meetings which include a devotional time followed by a brief business meeting. In December, we meet at a local restaurant for our Christmas party and play a game where each lady receives a gift.


Proverbs 31:20-21
"She reaches out to the needy; she stretches out her hands to the poor. She doesn’t fear for her household when it snows, because they are all dressed in warm clothes."